
Cattery POPOKILANI is a small Mainecoon cattery located in Sayama-shi, Saitama prefecture, which is quite famous by "Green Tea" field, about one hour far from Tokyo. Our cattery just started from April, year 2008. And started attending TICA Asia Region from Sep. 2008.

Friday, June 5, 2009

TICA QGC Popokilani Raphael

DOB: 04/21/2008 - 05/31/2019 (Loved by his forever family. Many thanks to the I's)

父:オノクーン・レオン・オブ・ポポキラニ Sire: Onocoon Leon of Popokilani
母:オノクーン・エミリー・オブ・ポポキラニ Dam: Onocoon Emilly of Popokilani

カラー:ブラック・ソリッド/Black Solid

HCM DNA test HCM遺伝子検査: Negative 陰性 (Test result PDF テスト結果PDF)
PKD DNA test PKD遺伝子検査: Clear (Test result PDF テスト結果PDF)
HCM screened clear as of 2009


Raphael really looks like his sire Leon.
His step brother Alpjonse is the type of "The Eldest", but Raphael can be described as the younger brother type.
Always keeps his pace and never rush.


Raphael also attended quite numbers of shows.
His way of becoming QGC was quite tough.
There were several reasons why he was not evaluated highly from many judges, I suppose.
And additional to that, he was really bad with wheels.
We always had to use bib for him and had to bring the dryer which was used most of the time at the sho hall!

But now, all are good memories to remember.
