春がもうそこまで来て暖かい風をうれしく感じられ膨らみ始めた花の つぼみや一日が長く感じられ始めた今日この頃。
日本にお住まいの方々、日本にご家族のいらっしゃる方々が今直面している出来事に大変心 を痛め心配しています。
そのご家族、その方達の大事な家族の一員であるペット達の安否も気遣われます 。
TICAの会員の方に、あるいは日本の 被災動物達支援の寄付を希望される方は、“アニマルレフュージ関西 ”に連絡を取って下さい。
皆様の心遣い に感謝します。
※ ヴィッキー・フィッシャー女史からのメッセージの転載はすべて許可を得た物です。
Yesterday, I recived the TICA Monthly Letter March edition from TICA Executive Office.
The very top of it was the following message of President V. Fisher.
I would like to share her message with all who is visiting this website now.
Thank you.
Although Spring is just around the corner, and a time we welcome warm breezes, blooming flowers and longer hours of sunlight, this year it's overshadowed by a want to address a horrific event that Mother Nature has stolen the joy out of this season: the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
Everyone who works at TICA's EO ... our Board members ... our judges ... our exhibitors ... and all of our other members share our heartfelt concern for those who live in Japan and/or have family living there. Please remember, although we live many thousands of miles away from each other, we are all a part of the cat fancy and here to help each other in such horrible times as this.
Thank you for all of the concerned emails everyone has sent out. Our judges are all safe and we still wait to hear from some of our dear members about their own and their feline's safety. In the meantime, if you want to donate to help TICA members or felines in Japan who need assistance, please contact Animal Refuge Kansai
Thank you everyone for caring,
Vickie Fisher
TICA President
Tealc's message and pictures are used underTICS's permission. All rights reserved by TICA