
Cattery POPOKILANI is a small Mainecoon cattery located in Sayama-shi, Saitama prefecture, which is quite famous by "Green Tea" field, about one hour far from Tokyo. Our cattery just started from April, year 2008. And started attending TICA Asia Region from Sep. 2008.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Prayer Wave: Message from Tealc. V. / 祈りの波:ティ—ルクからのメッセージ

Tealc Vandenabeele

´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸PRAYER WAVE¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸
Going out to all those affected in the Pacific and everywhere else
affected by the earthquake and tsunami. Keep this going plz!♥♥♥

ベルギーに住む私のFacebookの友達であるメインクーンのTealc Vandenabeele(ティールク・ヴァンデナビール)君から今回の地震に遭われた全ての方々の無事を祈るメッセージが届きました。 

.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸PRAYER WAVE¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸ 


そして、“PRAYER WAVE”のメッセージも。

あらためて、「我々は一人ではない! 日本国内だけではなく、海の向こうの方達までもが気に掛けてくれている」
ティ—ルク君のメッセージ は、直ぐに家に帰ることができなかった私の気持ちを慰めてくれました。

被災された方達は、今はブログを読むような状況下ではないと思いますが、海外からも皆様の無事を願ってやまない友達がいることが何らかの形で少しで も伝わればと思います。

※ ティールクのからのメッセージおよび写真の転載はすべて許可を得た物です。写真の無断転用はご遠慮ください。

Great photo work by Patrick V.

Tealc Vandenabeele is a male Maine Coon living in Belgium, who is my Facebook friend.  The big beautiful boss I really love.

He uploaded the message "Prayer Wave"

´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸PRAYER WAVE¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸
Going out to all those affected in the Pacific and everywhere else
affected by the earthquake and tsunami. Keep this going plz!♥♥

When this times earthquake happened, I was at my office.
Earthquake continued longer than I ever experienced, I grabbed my helmet and hid under the desk.
Luckily, the building was OK and also the other buildings around were OK too.
I and others moved to a small park which was appointed as a place of refuge.

Aftershock still continued and no one was sure about when it will end.
Thinking about the people who were in the center of the earthquake, the earthquake I have experienced in Tokyo area was more lighter one.
Contacting people in Japan through Twitter and Facebook eased me and exchanging information helped me a lot.

To walk back to my home, was to far and seemed to much.
If I did, it may took more than 10 hours.

So I had to stick around my office for the night.
And I decided to write about few things in Facebook.
As I do not have so many friends there, I was not excepting someone writing back.
Later when I again accessed Facebook, there I found Tealc's message and his writings.
And what I saw was the "PRAYER WAVE"!.

What I felt reading his "Status"  was...
" We are not alone! Not only people in Japan, but also people overseas are caring us"
I honestly felt like that and something warm filled me up.
Tealc's message and status really comforted me not able to go back to my home.

People caring about the victims exists worldwide. Earthquake occurred in Japan, but this is not the matter limited only to Japan.
I really pray for the people who met this terrifying matter to overcome and also  the nuclear power plant disaster not to become more serious matter than now.

Adding my prayer, I would like to pass the Prayer Wave of Tealc to the next person.
People who were involved to this disaster may not have time to read  this kind of blogs, but would hope the message to be reached out to them in some way.


Thank you Tealc, you really encouraged me!
I am proud of myself being a big fan of yours.
You are the real one, you are "a big boy !"

Tealc's message and pictures are used under his permission. All rights reserved by Tealc Vandenabeele.
