
Cattery POPOKILANI is a small Mainecoon cattery located in Sayama-shi, Saitama prefecture, which is quite famous by "Green Tea" field, about one hour far from Tokyo. Our cattery just started from April, year 2008. And started attending TICA Asia Region from Sep. 2008.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Updates about some members of magnificent 7 of 2011 、Part 1 / 7兄弟の近況 パート1


ありがとうございました。 ユーベは相変わらず小さいですが、今日の体重は2.8で少し成長しました。 
ユーベを連れ帰った日に、大人猫を怖がると思いケージに入れましたがうるさく鳴くので、ケージから出すとかってに二階にあがってあちこち走り回って遊んでいます。物怖じしない性格に驚きました。 そんなわけで1日目から大人猫と戯れて、3日目にはみんなとなかよしになってしまいました。 
うちのボスには飛びかかって行かないものの、他の子にはプロレスを挑むのでいつもペシペシ叩かれています。 とりわけレッドの子が好きなようで、兄弟がレッドだったからでしょうか? 
今日はモナカと叩き合いをしていたので写真を撮りました。強いキキには手出しはしないようにしています。 ちびっこなのにその辺のことをわきまえた偉い子ですね。  
先日ポッケ君のブログをみつけました。やっぱりハンサム君でした。ユーベもポッケ君に近づけるよう少しはハンサムになって欲しいな~でもどちらかというと、ハンサムでなく体育会系です。 また近況をお知らせします。

Juve with his grandma Monaka 

A month has passed since Juventus, the red silver boy of Scarlett and Alphonse, moved to his forever loving home.
He just settled down really quickly.
Y family has many coonies and there even Juve’s real grandma and aunt are together.
In a month, he looks more handsome than he was.
Many thanks to Y family for much love and care!

A month has passed since we welcomed Juventus.Thank you much. 
He is still not so big, but is now 2.8kg and grew a bit big.The very day we took him back, we put him in a shelter not to be frightened with adults.But he kept crying so we let him free and than he went to the upstairs and started to seek around.I was really surprised with him being so fearless.So he started to play with adults on the very first day and by the third day he became good friends with all. 
He challenges the all, except the boss, and is being slapped by. 
He likes the reds especially, is this because he has 3 red litter mates?It looks as he does not like to be alone.We are giving his meal inside the shelter but he stops eating when there is no one around.So in that case I let him come out and intercept the dripping adults (seeking for a chance to eat kitten food) and he starts to eat again deliciously. Today I took some pic of him for he was having a slapping session with his grandma Monaka.He never challenges his aunt Kiki for she is strong.Still really young he seems to be clever enough to judge the situation. Other day I found Pocke’s blog.Yes, he is handsome.Wish Juve to become handsome like him...  
But as a reality, he is an athlete type. 
Well be in touch with you again.
