
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

TICA 2011-2012 ASIA Regional Award Party








そして、一年の集大成であるアワード・パーティーでは、”チームTICA ASIA”という大きなグループに変化する気がします。


2011-2012のアワードのベスト・キャットはLEOSTAR Blueni君でした。

セカンド・ベストは、メインクーンのマーリン君。 シンディの母方の実家であるWilliaminaのミチさんが出していた男の子です。

シンデイは、AB(All Bread=全猫種)で10位に入賞しました。
LH(Long Hair=長毛)で5位。
メインクーンのクリーム・クラシック・タビー w/ホワイトのカラーではインターナショナル(世界全体で)のベスト・カラーとなりました。

思えば、シンデイの父猫、Chatile Edward of Popokilani(レッド・クラシック・タビー)も一昨年にAB6位に入賞しました。

生後満8ヶ月からのチャンピオンシップ。 ヒートが来れば、コートのコンディションも良くなくなってしまうなど、女の子ならではの事象がいくつもあります。 短いようで、実際には何が起きてもおかしくない3ヶ月でした。





えんどうやすゆき、由加里 拝

運が味方してくれたこと、ショーが好きだったこと・・・ いろいろな要素が重なって受賞に漕ぎ着けたのだと思います。


TICA Asia 2011-2012 Award Party was held on Aug. 19th at Royal Park Hotel in Suiten-gu, Tokyo.

For this year, I attended to represent our RW POPOKILANI Cindy and SGCA ONOCOON Don Joan of POPOKILANI.

They both did very well for this year and to keep it as our sweet memory, I decided to attend.

About Don Joan, he attended 2 shows in 2011.
Because some more alter cats were needed at that time, we decided to register Don.

When he was at his breedes place he use to attend many shows.
He ended his career at age of one, becoming TICA QGC.
At that time we were not keened to the SHOWS and he started his new life as a pet.
And after 5 years, he again was taken to the show.  With 5 year long blank he won several finals including few Bests.
All he needed was to get a bit more point and for so he had to attend another show.
We were not hooked to his title, but just wanted to show him to the people who remember his younger days.

Being 6 years old,  to me he he still looked strong and powerful.

Don Joan's short return to the Show ended as promised.  (We promised him that max number of shows he shall enter will be 2.  If he does not get the best than he does not have to attend the second one.)
He transferred his class form Champion to the Alter and carried his QGC title.
His QGC title was taken by his Breeder and this was the result of what he has piled up with his breeder.  No one has the right to erase these good old days was what we thought.

Another main was Cynthia.
Her show career started when she was 6 months old.
Cream Classic Tabby w/White girl, having not so much rich coat at that time won several finals.
I was thinking she maybe something, but something that can be shown only in Kitten Class.
When she became 8 months old, again we decided to take her to the show.
We shampooed her 2 weeks before the show and was a quite night mare.
She did not like being dried and was refusing it with all her might, using her nails, teeth and voice.
The day before the show, we again shampooed her.
I was thinking to myself, tomorrow is the debut and the retirement day of Cindy.
She was one of the most unhappy cat in the world at that time I guess.

Next day we took her to the ECC Show.
I was imaging many horrible things of her at the Judging ring.
But.... what a surprise!
She was showing herself quite proudly and won 8 finals out of 16.
Cindy is a female MC and has a minor color coat, not so big comparing to the guys.
She did really great at the beginning.
There were 2 foreign TICA Judges and they both encouraged us to keep showing her.

And at this Show, I felt that Cindy maybe a "Show" girl and also a pretender.

We took her to most of the shows for 3 months long and at each show I was watching different faces she has.
It was like she had her own scenario and theme for each and was acting accordingly.
She looked like an "ACTRESS!".
Some times she was behaving like an innocent child chasing the teasers, sometimes she was like a heroine, and was also Jeanne d'Arc.
She was everything.  She even was "Ann of 1000 days" and was "MARIE-ANTOINETTE" (after been taken to prison version, she was sitting inside the waiting cage with sadness in her eyes!) !

Any way she was a great actress and all the shows she has attended was her own stage!

I do not know if this was good for her or not, but I was may be a really lucky one to see her "LIVE" play.
For this, yes I would like to call her "Actress Cindy".

Her sire CHATILE Edward of POPOKILANI also became RW in 2.5 months 2 years ago.
Like father, like daughter! (lol)

For her curtain call, it was my duty to attend the annual Party and to receive the Rosette of these Don and Cindy.
I know they prefer something more yummy  but still nice to have a huge ribbon in the house!

Thank you to all the TICA ASIA staff of holding such a nice party.
Thanks to all the Judges for judging our cats.
Thanks to the people we met at the show. Thank you to all the cat fanciers!

We has a great year!

Thanks to the Lady Luck! We were helped many times with your smile.

And last of all, I would like to thank all of our members in our cattery.
Needless to say, we were possible to attend because you all were healthy!

Love you all!

PS: Please remember, minor color, being a female may be said as disadvantage for some breeds. But it is not always.
There are quite number of Female IW and RW in the world.
If all the growly goes to males, Cat Show may become not so exciting.

I would like to keep showing my girls as well as boys!