
Friday, November 28, 2014

Teo's update photo / テオ嬢の近影



今、彼女は生後7ヶ月で、4.5kgほど。 立派なレディに成長してくれているようです。

This is the very photo of Teo Torriatte, who moved to Canada this September.
Her current mom, Jan H. of Coonamour just sent me the beautiful photos of Teo taken by herself.

She is now about 9 pounds 4 ounces, enough heavy for a 7 months old girl. We are so glad that she is growing to such a beauty. Teo is a girl from Judith and Albert. Her littermates, Ralph and Oreo also left for their own home so it is nice to see how they are growing! And Teo became a real "breath taker"!

上の写真は母のジュディスによく似ています。 父親であるあかたすからは、たぶん立派な体を受け継いだのだと思います。

I knew she is living happily at Jan's cattery, but never imagined she could become like this in just a couple of months... So happy and proud of her and Jan.
The upper photo looks like Teo's mom Judith, feel like she received lots from her mother and improved those. And from Albert she received his body structure!


And I also see some similarity to Rebecca, her half sister. The wildness Teo has is the one like Rebecca has.


Teo is a Brown Classic Torbie and the red color seems to be stronger.  Half side of her face is deep brown and other half has more red color. Her "M" mark on her forehead starts with dark brown and ends up with red.  This makes her look more unique I guess.

でも、多分テオの一番素晴らしい所は彼女の性格そのものにあるのでは無いかと思います。 わが家に居た時から素晴らしく甘え上で気だてのいい子でしたが、今もそれは変わらず、更に良さが際立っているとのこと。 猫も人も好きで、周りと素敵な関係を作ることに長けているようです。

遠い国にお引っ越ししたテオ。 長い道のりを経て今更に魅力的なレディに成長中。 彼女を受け入れてくれたジャンにあらためてお礼を伝えたいと思います。

But the most wonderful part of her is her personality. She was always a happy girl loving every human and cats around her when she was with us. And nothing changed her, just let her be more sweet! I believe this is because of Jan. I am sure she taught lots of English vocabularies and many other things! LOL  
This is the face of a cat living a very happy life!

Again thanks to Jan H., my best friend, for welcoming Popokilani Teo Toriatte and allowed to become the member of Coonamour!