
Monday, June 29, 2015

Welcome to the Champion Class! / ジェイク、チャンピオンシップにデビュー!




昨日のショーは、TICA & FCJ主催の第65回&66回ショー。

Jake now became 8 months old by this 22nd.
Yes, I was really waiting for this day and now he made his debut to the TICA Cat Show Champion Class!

He has a couple of experiences attending the Show, once just when he became 4 months old and the second time was just before moving to the Championship.

Yesterdays show was divided into 2 such as AM was the FCJ's 65th and PM was the 66th.


I heard that Jake was enjoining the Show .
As I was helping the Master Clerk I did not have a chance to see how he was doing.
All the photos and videos were taken by Yasuyuki.


This is Jake's breeder.
As his breeder is also the Judge, he was introduced as Presentation Only (PO).
It's more than 4 months for Ms. Doi to see and touch Jake. 


Never new that a cat also fall on one's buttocks! LOL
And what a nice shot to see!
Sorry for Jake, but it is so funny and see him fell!

Also did not realize how big he became.
Among the others in our house, he still looks small.
But now I am sure he is big enough to attend.


Jake's Show manner was perfect.
I believe this means he is really good at communicating with humans.
( of course I know I am a dotting mum!)


And this these photo were taken by the favor of Ms. Odaka.
She let my husband take the solo shot of Jake at the Ring.
she moved aside...
And Jake sat still with a very nice expression.
I really love this photo!


男の子で言えば、Chaitle Edward, Cascade Mt. Einstein, Pajocoons Sunrise Dream。
Jakeは男の子としてShonan Catsから4番目に迎えた子となります。

We have welcomed quite many numbers of kittens and cats from other catteries.
They all made us thrilled, very very much.

For example, in the past, we welcomed 3 boys.
First was Chatile Edward, 2nd was Cascade Mt. Einstein and then Pajocoons Sunrise Dream.
Each of them made us so excited and were all beyond wonderful.
Jake is the 4th boy now we have.
As same as before, Jake also thrilled me from the very first moment I have met him.
Don't know the exact words to describe this this feeling by words, but it was proved by this Show!


The show result was he became TICA GRC by one day!
If the show was one his achievement was "One Show Grand". LOL
There were total 10 rings and he was judged at 8 rings and got 6 finals.
Congrats to his wonderful result!




I am very proud of his result but more than that we are very happy with his personality.
Life as a show cat is just  a part of cat's life.
He is another member of our family and it is our hope and responsibility for all the cats to live a "Happy" life.
And "Communication" is one of the key word to make it happen.

He is a very good communicator and will bind the family with it!

Love you too, Jake!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Herb finishes his Show career / ハーブ、ショー引退



二回の往復の甲斐があったのか、今回はお腹を壊すこともなく二日間無事に参加したはーぶ。 全てのリングに参加してQGCのタイトルを無事に獲得しました。






Popokilani Herbert (シンディとアルフォンスの息子)は、おかげさまでRW QGCの称号を得て引退しました。 彼の子供達がいつかショーや新しいお家での様子が見れる写真に登場してくれればと思います。


Our loving Herbert finally ended his show career at the Show held in Nagano last weekend.
He was attending the shows from kitten class last year and made his CH debut in Portland Oregon.
Looking back, his show career was a bit long then others of ours. Quite long interval during the CH and I feel like we missed the best time of him as a Show Cat.

Usually we stay at the hotel for 2 days show in Nagano but Herb sometimes looses his condition so for this time I drove back and forth 2 times. One way was about 2.5 hours drive so it was not so hard but the weather turned out to be bad when the car was on highway.

He was short for the points to become TICA QGC. We once thought of retiring him as with the  TGC title but he already had enough finals to earn the title so finally decided to show him to become QGC. Only few points was what he needed...

7 out of 16 rings was Herb's this times result. A very happy and proud result as a happy memory to remember.
He never got fussy or made us worry at the show. He was always a gentle giant.

Many thanks to all the club member, Judges and the cats & the owners who we have met during showing him.

Popokilani Herbert is now officially TICA RW QGC and now hold the same title as his father Alphonse. (Unfortunately he could not become same as his mother! LOL) Now I am hoping that he will become father and see his offspring at the shows and homes as happy kittens.

Last of all, I would like to say "Thank you" to our loving Herb who did his best for all of his time at the Shows!

Well done my dear!


Monday, June 8, 2015

TICA & C9CC Cat Show



On Jun. 7th, we took our boys to the "Cloud 9 Cat Club" show held in Higashi-Nihonbashi.
One was Herbert who needs some more points to become TICA QGC and another was Shonan Cats Jake. Jake will make his debut to the Championship by the end of June so we wanted him to be used to the show.

The show hall and the ring were decorated with many many colors, just like a fantasy world including beautiful flowers!


We were a bit anxious about Herbert for more than 3 months has passed  since his last show.
Seemed it was a good choice taking Jake with him. Herb seemed to be very relaxed and even was grinning! LOL (see above photo)


There were many color props on the Judging table and the colorful teaser was a give-away gift to the kitties.


And also "Kitty-faced bread" were displayed on the ring.
Thanks to the person for taking time to bake these during the busy week!


The finalized one's received their own rosetta.
These were also very color ones.


At the benching cage, Herb and Jake were silently fighting to get this stripe squared bed.  Both were checking each others moves and when one was out for the ring the another one was slipping into the bed.
This time we used 2 double size tents and connected into one so there were enough room for them even having this big bed.

今回のクジ引きの商品。一等賞はケージカバー! 誰がゲットしたのかは見逃してしまいました。 猫柄の靴下とかもあって、ここにも可愛い小物がいっぱい!

Prizes for lottery were also colorful. Cat motif socks, bags etc. The best prize was the beautiful cage cover set!  

で、ジェイクは、文字通り快食、快便! これなら6月末から参加するチャンピオンクラスも心配無し! まだ、子供なのに大物でした!w

Herb did not eat well during the show these days but having Jake he ate a lot. They were both checking each others plates and were trying to steel each others food! LOL
Jake was just him. He ate a lot, played well, slept well and even used the litter box for his own propose. He may be OK with his next show. He will show himself as he did in the Kitten Class.



The result of the show was: Herb got 3 finals out of 8 rings and Jake got one out of 5. (The rosetta at the very right is just for the BOB)

The 2 were really relaxed, yes I think it was good for both having each other, and are prepared for the next show.

Herb is going to attend the show 2 weeks later to earn a bit more point.
Jake will attend the show in end of this moth.
Hope they enjoy again.

おまけ/extra                                                            :

気がついた時には残り3個になっていました! orz
気がつくのが、遅すぎた… 無念…
とりあえず、 3個でもと思い写真に収めました。

Cat-faced steam bread!
When I recognized, there were only 3 pieces left...
Lost a chance to take the original figure...

(写真提供: えんどうやすゆき)

Well my hubby had taken the photo of the full version... Looks like 9 pieces was the original! LOL Thanks my darling! Nice job! LOL
(Photo by: Yasuyuki Endo)


Thanks to the C9CC members, Judges and the participants.
We really enjoyed the day!

Monday, June 1, 2015

TICA & TCC Cat Show / お嬢、ショー卒業!

場所は、通い慣れた東京の東日本橋の中央区立産業会館の3F。 同じビルの2Fでは、CFAのショーが開催されていました。

May 31st was the very last show for Juliet.
Was held at the 3rd floor of the same old bldg. as usual and at the 2nd floor, CFA's show was held at  same time.

今回のショーのファイナルには、順位を示す番号カードの代わりに、ポケットの付いたロゼット。 ポケットの中には、順位を印刷したシール。 やっぱり、ファイナルはロゼットがいいなとあらためて感じました。 素敵なアイディアです。

For this time, new items were taking the place. A rosette with a "Pocket"!
These were made for the finals to hang ate the cage of the finalized kitties. Just take away the seal inside the pocket and stick to you own rosette.  It is always to see the rosettes at the ring, yes it is.


This is duckys which came with me to Japan from Germany! LOL
The all lined up for Juliet on the dash board of my car! LOL
"Go! Go! Juliet!!!" They were cheering her for the 60 points she needed! :)


Juliet asking blessing from the duckys! 
" Cross you feathers guys for me! I hate shows!! Make this the last!!!"


She looked OK at Ms. Kikuchi's ring.


Even was performing at Ms. Tasaki's ring!
Yes, she stands up and it is quite usual thing but "sticking tongue" was a special version.


Striking a pose at Ms. Tsuruoka's ring.

実家のママである土居ジャッジのリングではP/O(プレゼンテーション・オンリー > 参考出陳)。

And at her mum's ring. Ms. Doi is the breeder of Juliet so just attended as "Presentation Only".
This is a great chance to tell Juliet is doing fine to her original mum.


And at Ms. Tomonari's ring.
Stretching straight showing her long body.



ジュリエット、最後まで元気にショーに参加、今回のショーで引退となりました。 これからは、ママになれる日までのんびりとした生活の始まりです。 一緒に参加したことは素晴らしい思い出です。 ありがとう、ジュリエット。

Juliet's last show was another great show for us.  She got 6 finals out of 7.
Earned enough point for the SGC and she is going to retire form the show as promised.

Always was in a good condition, never became sick, ate very well at home. She continued to gain weight and now became a beautiful lady.

We really thank Ms. Doi of Shonancats for letting us have her. From now, she is going to have a more easy going life in the house. Hope her to become mother in near days.

Thank you to Juliet, we had great time ate the show with you!