
Monday, June 22, 2015

Herb finishes his Show career / ハーブ、ショー引退



二回の往復の甲斐があったのか、今回はお腹を壊すこともなく二日間無事に参加したはーぶ。 全てのリングに参加してQGCのタイトルを無事に獲得しました。






Popokilani Herbert (シンディとアルフォンスの息子)は、おかげさまでRW QGCの称号を得て引退しました。 彼の子供達がいつかショーや新しいお家での様子が見れる写真に登場してくれればと思います。


Our loving Herbert finally ended his show career at the Show held in Nagano last weekend.
He was attending the shows from kitten class last year and made his CH debut in Portland Oregon.
Looking back, his show career was a bit long then others of ours. Quite long interval during the CH and I feel like we missed the best time of him as a Show Cat.

Usually we stay at the hotel for 2 days show in Nagano but Herb sometimes looses his condition so for this time I drove back and forth 2 times. One way was about 2.5 hours drive so it was not so hard but the weather turned out to be bad when the car was on highway.

He was short for the points to become TICA QGC. We once thought of retiring him as with the  TGC title but he already had enough finals to earn the title so finally decided to show him to become QGC. Only few points was what he needed...

7 out of 16 rings was Herb's this times result. A very happy and proud result as a happy memory to remember.
He never got fussy or made us worry at the show. He was always a gentle giant.

Many thanks to all the club member, Judges and the cats & the owners who we have met during showing him.

Popokilani Herbert is now officially TICA RW QGC and now hold the same title as his father Alphonse. (Unfortunately he could not become same as his mother! LOL) Now I am hoping that he will become father and see his offspring at the shows and homes as happy kittens.

Last of all, I would like to say "Thank you" to our loving Herb who did his best for all of his time at the Shows!

Well done my dear!