
Cattery POPOKILANI is a small Mainecoon cattery located in Sayama-shi, Saitama prefecture, which is quite famous by "Green Tea" field, about one hour far from Tokyo. Our cattery just started from April, year 2008. And started attending TICA Asia Region from Sep. 2008.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Last challenge in Hiroshima! TICA & NAG 5th -8th Show / 広島決戦!

これでもう終わり… ということで。
広島入りは21日。 元気なうちにどうしても行きたかった広島平和記念館に足を運ぶ予定での二泊三日の小旅行。

As the last show in Oct. we chose to attend TICA & NAG's 2 day show in Hiroshima (west part of Japan).
Well this will be the last show for Maria...
I moved to Hiroshima the day before the show so I can visit Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. 2 nights, 3 days short trip.
I arrived at Hiroshima in the new and went to the hotel with Maria. But it was still too early to check in and had to take Maria with me to the park. The day was cloudy but the humidity was high so decide to take a coffee break at a small caffe next to the Hiroshima station.
While I was drinking the cold coffee, suddenly all the cell phones of the people in the cafe started to buzz! And after a second the whole building started to shake. I am not sure how long it lasted but the shake was enough hard and I the time was enough long for me to think about how to evacuate with Maria and think back about my memories of 57 years!...


It was really a cloudy day and hot also. With my heavy loaded bag pack on my back and holding a carrier which Maria was inside, we finally reached the park. May be Maria is the only or only a few cat who entered the Memorial Museum. The museum was quite clouded with the tourist from overseas and atmosphere was heavy. She just kept silence while I was watching, luck that she was not covered. Thanks to her for being so patient for almost 2 hours...


会場までローカル電車を使うので、かなり早くに出発。運がよければ降りた駅で朝ごはん…などと考えていたのですが。駅を降りてから会場までの道10分たらずを迷子になって30分強歩く羽目にw 携帯のナビを使いながらこの体たらくwww 汗と雨で人間の方はかなりベトベトになってしまいました。

The first day of the show, it was raining.
Show hall was the place that I was never been so we left the hotel quite early. Early enough to have breakfast some where near the hall... Took a local train for about 20min. and from there it was only about 10 min. by walk. Used the navigation of my iPhone but got lost in someway! LOL finally took 30min. to arrive!  What a bad day to start off!!!



When the show begin, I notice some cat relatives in the hall.
I knew that Maria's aunt Ange is going to participate. She left our cattery when she was about 5 months old, to the breeder who is living in Hiroshima. I have seen many picture of her glowing up to a wild-beauty through the cattery's website. But real Popokilani Ange of Fairy Paw was more gorgeous than I expected!
She had rich full coat and looked like her mom Satusma very much. Very wild looking with very long body and tail. But most of her unique feature were her eyes. Very strong eyes that can nail a prey. LOL


The face and atmosphere I love was there!

そして、こちらが姪にあたるわが家のマリア。 マリアのママのもいら嬢の娘で、もいら嬢の嫁ぎ先からわが家に来てくれた子です。

And this is Maria. A niece to Ange. Ange is the litter mate of Maria's mom Moira.
Moira moved from us to a cattery and her daughter came to us. May be the most similar part is "Eyes". Felt like it is is easy to stake that they are close relatives.
We were hoping for Maria to get 3 more finals and become TICA GRC at this show. If she can this will be her last show. Sure will be a fun 2 days with Maria, Ange and her owners.

ショーにはなんと5年以上前にわが家から他のブリーダーに行ったルヤ君の孫猫の男の子も。 孫の世代になると面影も消えてしまいがちですが、若い頃のルヤ君を彷彿させてくれるお顔でした。


There at the show, I happened to meet another relative of ours. It was the grand son of our Ruya. Red Classic boy Ruya moved to another cattery more than 5 years ago. Well it is often hard to find some similar features in the grand children but the boy reminded me of Ruya quite a lot.

The show was held as part of the Pet Expo, so was really lively. This photo showing Ms. Oizumi holding the boy not to become intimidate.


A cheerful dog I met at the exhibition. Next to him, the cat show was held. It looked like both cats and dogs had no interest about others business! LOL There must be some kind of a rule that only they themselves agree...

お昼のお弁当。マリアと向かい合わせ。 こういう時は必ず中身をcの匂いをチェックされますw 「見るだけ」、「嗅ぐだけ」!いつも自分だけ色とりどりのものを食べて申し訳ない気がするのですが…

Lunch time!  Face to Face with Maria. She always loves to check what humans eats! LOL Only to "see" and "smell" is what she can do and every time I feel a bit guilty enjoining colorful and yummy "Bento"! ...

そういえば、いつもはマイケージ(自家用テント)を使用していて、前面がメッシュ仕様なので手が出しようがなかったのだということに気づかされました! ケージを借りたから出せた手! マリア、ずっとこの時を待っていたのかも知れませんw

But this time...!
She was so much interested with the yellow Takuan (Japanese pickles) and try to taste it! LOL
Usually we use our own tent but at Hiroshima we rented a cage and there was enough space for her to reach out and try to grab! May be she was waiting for this day!!!!

さて、また審査に戻って、浜野ジャッジの審査を受ける杏樹嬢。この睥睨するような姿勢!w 何者にも媚びない、恐れないという感じの姿勢。誰から受け継いだのでしょうか? 家では相当な甘えん坊さんのようですが、ショーでは全く違った一面を見せてくれるのが楽しいところ。 

Back to the show again! This is Ange being judged by Ms. Hamano. She was like a Queen watching out her people. LOL Never flatter, never fear. From who did she learned this kind of attitude? At her own place, she is just a girl who loves to cuddle all day... What a difference! LOL


This is Ms. Yokoyama with Maria explaining about MC to the spectators from the Judging ring. It is always nice to introduce the breed like this. Shows in Tokyo area,we do not have so much spectators and also because of luck of time, there aren't so much chance to have a moment like this.

二日間のショーも無事に終わり、マリアは12リング中10リングでファイナルに残りました。目標のGRCを超えてQGCに必要なリボンの数を得ることができました! うれしい誤算ではありますが、問題はポイント。4,000点以上獲得していないと、QGCのタイトルは確定しません。「もう今回で引退」と伝えていたのに、どうしよう。 嫌な予感で、4,000点に少し足りないような気がします。もし、タイトルを確定できれば、ママのもいら嬢と並ぶのですが。


2 days show ended with so much fun. Ate lots of nice and yummy food in Hiroshima. Mari won 10 finals out of 12 rings. She achieved GRC and more. She now can be QGC if she got enough points! Very happy result for us. Well I told her that this is her last show and now just crossing my fingers that she has more than 4,000 points. Well but it looks like she needs some more points... If she can get the QGC, she can become same as her mom got.
In anyways, one thing that is sure is she is now TGC.  Feel like need to ask Maria about attending one more...

Many thanks to the NAG Club for holding this show, many thanks the Judges, and also to Ange's dad and mom for their hospitality. Appreciate fun time with all the attendants at the show!

Thank you Hiroshima!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Challenger... TICA & FCJ Cat Show / FCJショーでしぶとく頑張る...

マリアの最後のショーにするかもしれないので本来はピカピカにグルーミングして連れて行くべきところ、諸般の事情によりシャンプーもせずに… マリアが綺麗に仕上がっていないのは私の責任なので、それは全部一手に自分が責任を負えばいい。悪いのはマリアではないのだから…


On 15th of Oct. I again took Maria to the show with Red Iris.
If Maria does not get any finals, this will be the end...

Feeling like it's the end of the rope... or should give another try?
In anyways, this show may become the very last one to attend so should had to groom her more than usual, but didn't...  May be I was looking for an excuse to have her retire from the show.

On the other hand, wanting to have some thing fun part, I decided to take Red Iris who looked very boring.


Just 5 months old Iris was a very brave girl! LOL Nothing to fear and was a challenger! LOL

パパのあかたすと、Amangroupのジャスミン嬢の良いところをいっぱい受け継いだお嬢さんです。今のところ、わが家で一番顔が長い女の子w 最先端の顔かもしれません。

Iris was enjoining the show very much, so we deicide to have a photo session of T. Fukuda. You can check her photos form here.  She looks like her father Albert so much with the blend of her mom, Aman Group Jasmine of Cat Reine. She may be the very one who has the longest face in our cattery, which is the most modern type.



でまりあは、ファイナルに二つ残していただけました! 素直に嬉しい!
ごれで、グランド・チャンピオンの規定の6本の半分を獲得しました。この規定の6本が大変。 でも、ここまで来たならもう申し込みを済ませた広島のショーに行かなければ!


And this is Maria at Ms. Oizumi's ring. I was working as a Master Clerk at the show and didn't have so much chance to take photos.

And for so, think there is no more I can write for this time.

The result of this time was: Iris got 7 finals out of 10. A very good result for the debut even there were not so many kittens. Yes very happy that she did so well.
Maria got 2 finals and we are also very happy with this result! Now she has cleared half of the way to TICA GRC. To have total 6 finals to become GRC is one of the hard task especially when there are big boys. Well would like keep on going and attend the next 2 days show to be held in Hiroshima! Challenger!... Maria... no, may be we humans are the challenger... have to ask for the permission from Maria if she really is OK to go or not... Always, cats must be first...

まりあ、頑張ったね。 そして、アイリス無事のデビューおめでとう!

Well sorry, but I can't help myself uploading another photo of Rosettas.
Maria, you did it! And Iris, congrats for the wonderful debut show!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

TICA CH Catreine Red Iris of Popokilani

DOB: 05/07/2016

父:TICA IW SGC  ポポキラニ アルバート/ Sire: TICA IW SGC Popokilani Albert
母:アマングループ ジャスミン オブ  キャトレーヌ / Dam: Amangroup Jasmine of Catreine

カラー:レッドクラシックタビー / Red Classic Tabby

HCM, PKD DNA test HCM、PKD遺伝子検査: Negative as the parents are negative
