
Friday, October 6, 2017

Koharu, Maggie & Ibuki's Diary Part 22 /心晴(こはる)君/マギー/柊季便り パート22

相変わらず綺麗で、そんな年齢には見えません♪ 心も体もまだまだお嬢様のまま。元気で毎年のお誕生日を迎えられることは、本当に素敵なことです。


Maggie now became 7 years old on this Aug. 30th.
We are so happy that she looks still young and very healthy. Looks like she is still a young girl!

Kisses and hugs to Maggie and hope another year to be a happy and healthy one!

" Fun time! " (The worlds most playful girl, Maggie)


"Common! Lets' play, hurry, hurry up!" (The world's most rowdy girl, Maggie. These days, she grabs the toys from me and delivers it to mu mom)


"Running water is the yummiest thing in this earth!"  (Drinks from the  tap at least 4 or 5 times a day!)


"z‐z‐z..." (a rare style of Maggie sleeping by "tummy-up")  


"Me always with Mummy Maggie! And sometimes sneak for the milk!" by Ibuki (LOL)


Maggie once became a mother of 5 kittens. But looks like only one time delivery did not change anything of what she is. Still keeping the Girly look and enjoying her own life (may be sometimes disturbed by Ibuki the young red MC boy).

Update photos of the 2 boys of her own kittens can be seen on Twitter "Luz and Roy".