猫神様には猫神様の計画があるらし… きっとその計画はわが家に留まる事かもと思っていました。
Charles was born on Feb. 2018.
He was a really sweet baby but looks like God had his own plan and his future forever loving family did not appear for a quite long time. So his every day life was to play with David and look after him. (David was a rascal and Charles was his guardian angel)
ありがたいことに、点数もクリアしてチャールズはTICA QGCのタイトルを持って神奈川に婿入りしました。
Days quickly past by and it was already October. He looked boring and we decided to take hime to the Cat Show. Overnight trip was the best for the main purpose was to let him have his own time with us. So we went to Fukuoka show, a 2.5 hour flight from Haneda, Tokyo Airport. We dit it twice and was a fun for us. And hope Charles also enjoyed the night at the hotel...
We were beginning to think that his plan was to stay with us instead of moving... But Cat God finally showed his plan about Charles. Yes, he found his new home and addition to that, he is welcomed as a stud boy.
His moving plan was mid of this January. Only concern I had was did he got enough point to earn the title of TICA QGC... If he needs some more he needs to attend the show after his moving... Was a big relief to know via internet that he had enough! "Good by Shows!" for him :)
新しい家族は人間と猫だけではなくワンさんも! ワンさん達の歓迎(?)の声に臆することなく、見事に溶け込んでいました。ご飯も速攻で食べてw
This is the very first day of him moving in.
As soon as we released him, he started to check all the rooms. New family has not only cats but also two dogs. First time to see dog for him but he was also OK with them. Ate someone's cat food too. Looked like nothing to worry about him.
After couple of days, he became friends with his future girlfriends too. From this photo, Charles may look a bit small but actually he is big enough, just his coat is not long enough to make him bigger.
Looking forward of him to become a great asset for his new family.
Many thanks to the G family for welcoming him as a King and a family member.