In May 2 black solid girls delivered their babies.
On May 6th Olivia delivered 4 babies of Duke’s black solids and one black classic. All are boys.
And Octavia and Zachary couple’s babies came out to this world on May 23rd. 2 black solids and one black classic.
These are the Octavia babies.
2 of the black solids are reserved.
One black solid and black classic boys are looking for their forever home.
ブラックの子達は、写真に収めてしまうと未だ区別がつきません... 今の所違いがはっきりわかるのは、やはりママだけなのだと思います。
It is so hard to say who is who by the photos. Looks like only their mom…
One of the solid bullet boy. Now his chin is becoming strong. All will be a gorgeous MC when they become adults.
This boy is reserved. Found his own forever home!
Having 3 black solids, it is really difficult to say who is who by the photos. They are just like bullets running around.
Tabby boy, very playful and smart guy. Also shows strong interest in anything he sees.
All the little ninja are enjoying everyday life and looks like only me being tired chasing them. Lol
If you have interest with them, please contact from here. そして、こちらがオクタビアの子達。オクタビアはオリビアの伯母にあたるためか、色のせいかみんな写真で見るとよく似ています。
And these are the Octavia babies. As Octavia is an aunt to Olivia babies are quite a look like or May be it is because they are also solids.
For Octavia’s boys we are looking for 2 black solids boys forever home. She has also one beautiful black tabby boy but he unfortunately lost his one eye so he is staying us.
2 black solid boys are also playful and happy guys.
A farm and sweet character boy. Sill has kitten blue eyes and that helps us to know whom his mother is. Lol
May be this boy is the very one who is a bit shy. He checks other’s move and stop to think a while and then take an action except the meal time.

目に細菌が入ってしまい、右目の視力を失ってしまいました。後天性のハンデを持ってしまいましたが、性格の良さは💮級♪ 母親にとってもわれわれにとっても愛しい子です。
This is the boy that is staying with us. He was born very healthy too. Has very big beautiful eyes. But later his right got hurt and sadly lost his right eye’s sight. Very sorry for him and his mother for this result but that doesn’t stop his challenging spirit. And also doesn’t stop us loving him. Very lovely boy for his mother and us.
This was the very first time for us to have so many solids at once ( and also the very first experience to have an one sight kitten…).
Solids are really like a carbon copies but each has their own character and that is one of the fun part to see.
If you have interest please come and meet them.
Please fill the form if you have any interest.