やりたい放題の国のお姫様になっている(?)様子が目に浮かび、ひとりでニヤニヤしていましたw 出会いに改めて感謝する瞬間ですね!
Reading the email from Kokage’s new mom, I decided to change the title of this post. Our little princess is now turned into “free-for-all” or “born to be wild” character!
Many thanks for welcoming her!!!
お迎えした当日夜は、念のためケージで過ごしていただきましたが、翌早朝に「ケージはもういやだ」と大暴れをして、ケージ生活を終 了しました。
Kokage is fitting into our house/family so rapidly.
The very first night I put into a cage for quarantine but next morning she won the freedom. One night stay was the max for her.
Receiving the hot hiss from the elders, she was going her own way. Nothing stopped her, even the hot hiss could not!
Our other members (elder cats) looked like…
“ need to teach who we are but… playing with her will be a lots of fun…” our 3 years old girl was suffering from that dilemma and started to play with Kokage.
気難しい9歳の女の子はシャーをしつつも気が付けば一緒に寝たり、お母さんと間違われたかのようにお腹に頭をうずめられたりしても 「シャー」は言いつつ拒否はせず、そのまま寝たりしております。
Fussy 9 years old girl was still hissing but she was given a role as a nanny. Started to sleep with Kokage and some times the little one snuggled her nose to the elder’s breast. 9 years old girl sometimes became a new mom! Still keep on hissing she also agreed to take Kokage on her side.
Above happened from day four or five and now 3 years old girl, 11 years old boy and Kokage are playing like a tumbling weed.
フードはロイヤルカナンのメインクーンが好きなようで、チャレンジしていますが粒が大きく固いので噛めないため、まわりだけ噛んであきらめてし まいます。
キトン→メインクーン→セイバーエクシジェント、とフードを三角食べしています。 おもちゃも大好きで、ボールをくわえてあちこちの部屋に移動して
は遊びまくっています。 一番好きなのは、やはり、いただいたピンクのバネのおもちゃです
She loves to eat, does nice poops and running around like a lacing machine.
Loves to play with toys, carrying a ball from room to room and enjoying the day.
But the toy she loves seems to be that pink coil one. She looses so often and comes to me saying “my coil toy tumbled in their… would you help me?” So sweet to see her telling me that.
Attached please find som photos of hers. One is her sitting on my husband’s tummy. She just got there when he was having a nap.
She is glowing very healthy everyday. And easily fall in a sleep with a big purrrrrr when ever I pick her up. Having her as a mew member, we humans and our elder cats are having a very thrilling and fun life.
11歳になっている子まで、子猫と一緒に遊んでいることには、びっくりしました。わが家の10歳超えの子達は、ご隠居さんの様な生活パターンなのに、これは凄い!9歳の気むずかしいマダムまで、手なずけて(?)しまうとは。やっぱり、こかげちゃん、どっか不思議な子なのかもしれません... 唯一の女の子だからだったのかもしれませんが、わが家にいた時も、もの凄く気持ちを惹かれる子でしたから。特別何か要求をしてくるとか、猫一倍わがままとか、そういうのでは無く、存在自体がなんと言えば良いのか輝きを放っていた感じです。