
Sunday, July 23, 2023

Ms. Little Typhoon Part 3 / 台風ガールこかげちゃん Part 3



2歳になったこかげちゃん、パパのジェイク氏にも良く似てきました! ハンサム女子、どうやら子分さんが出来て相変わらずの台風ガールぶりのようですw

こかげちゃんの台風日記 パート1
こかげちゃんの台風日記 パート2

Again, already 2 months has passed. We are doing fine but every things needs to take time and more energy now days, I think this is what is called "getting old". We were participating some TICA shows and for weekdays, we still are working...  Well this is just an excuse not updating our website... 

Kokage's family sent us a wonderful photos and letters about her now days. Yes she is doing fine and enjoying her life with her new younger brother. She became 2 years old on this June and now looks like more to her dad Jake! She is turning to a handsome lady!

You can compare her from the below link:
Ms. Little Typhoon Part 1
Ms. Little Typhoon Part 2



食欲旺盛で、ドライフード(ロイヤルカナン フィット、セイバーエクシジェント)、ウェットフード(国産またはグレインフリー各種)をもりもりと食べています。ウェットフードは他の子のものをよく横取りしています。横からお皿に手を入れてすくい、器用に食べていて感心します。


Hi, this is F, Kokage's (aka Iggy) mom.
Kokage became 2 years old last month. 
She is having fun with high tension everyday.

Now she weighs 5.6kg, her coat is long and soft and is really gorgeous. Under the sun, it looks gold and is shining just like the wheat field. So everyday combing is a must or it will easily be matted.

Eating, excretion, energy... every things are really fine.
Loves to eat dry food and wet food. And about wet food, she sneaks other members. by using her hands. It is really amazing to see her use her hands so naturally.

Last Dec. we welcomed a Turkish Van boy, a year younger than Kokage. She taught him the hierarchy and the rules of the Feline World, she taught those by her body (* think fist and kicks...) and easily made him obey her as his boss. Now he is always following her!  



Kokag's favorite seems to be fighting games.  
Sorry not having any video, her best is "Flying Body Attack" and doing that and disturbing other member's "Beauty Sleep".

In the morning times, she is doing the tag game (chase and run) She does not care about sleeping humans, just run over us and really looks like Cheetah. 


In the night time, she comes to our bed talking " Ruuru, Rurru" and makes some biscuits and /or sniffs/licks the covers and when she is finished she goes away.

When we call her name, she comes running towards us with her sweet answer "Ururuu, uruuu".
She is really friendly to other members. I think her sweet and gentle and a heart with no fear really attracting the others.
As she grew up, may be she became a bit timid. She hides whenever we have guest to our house.

We are really happy having her as out family member. We all are having a happy day together.

お転婆お嬢さんぶりは2歳になっても変わらないようです。こかげちゃんは、わが家にいた時からいつも何でも楽しい事にしてしまう天分があったと思います。 金色の台風の目、ガールからレディになっても健在! 新しい一年も幸せのつむじ風が吹き荒れそうです!


Tomboy girl is still on her way. She was like this when she was with us and I think this is a great gift she got, a talent to make every issue to fun things. Golden typhoon girl, be as you even you are tuning to a lady from a girl!   

F's, please send our kisses to Kokage, her young brother and all the members of yours.

Thank you.